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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How are the prices calculated for the various cryptocurrencies? strives to provide accurate, timely, and unbiased data for cryptoassets. Our view is that we should always over-provide data (as opposed to censoring and policing information) and let our users draw their own conclusions. We actively listen to feedback/requests from our users to enrich the quality of the data on our website.

 What is "Market Capitalization" and how is it calculated?

Market Capitalization is one way to rank the relative size of a cryptocurrency. It's calculated by multiplying the Price by the Circulating Supply.

Market Cap = Price X Circulating Supply.


What is the difference between "Circulating Supply""Total Supply", and "Max Supply"?

Circulating Supply is the best approximation of the number of coins that are circulating in the market and in the general public's hands.
Total Supply is the total amount of coins in existence right now (minus any coins that have been verifiably burned).
Max Supply is the best approximation of the maximum amount of coins that will ever exist in the lifetime of the cryptocurrency.


Why is the Circulating Supply used in determining the market capitalization instead of Total Supply?

We've found that Circulating Supply is a much better metric for determining the market capitalization. Coins that are locked, reserved, or not able to be sold on the public market are coins that can't affect the price and thus should not be allowed to affect the market capitalization as well. The method of using the Circulating Supply is analogous to the method of using public float for determining the market capitalization of companies in traditional investing.


What is the difference between a "Coin" and a "Token" on the site?

Coin is a cryptocurrency that can operate independently.

Token is a cryptocurrency that depends on another cryptocurrency as a platform to operate.

What is the criteria for a cryptocurrency or exchange to be listed on strives to provide accurate, timely, and unbiased data for cryptoassets. Our view is that we should always over-provide data (as opposed to censoring and policing information) and let our users draw their own conclusions. We actively listen to feedback/requests from our users to enrich the quality of the data on our website.


Why are markets with no fees excluded from the price average and total trading volume?

When no fees are being charged at the exchange, it is possible for a trader (or bot) to trade back and forth with themselves and generate a lot of "fake" volume without penalty. It's impossible to determine how much of the volume is fake so we exclude it entirely from the calculations.


Why I no longer see the affiliate links for Exchanges on

We discontinued the Affiliate Program due to compliance reasons. Hence, the affiliate links to all the Affiliate Program participant exchanges were removed.


How do I purchase cryptocurrency? reports on the trading activities of thousands of markets but does not directly sell any cryptocurrency. The best way to find where to buy is by looking on the markets section for the cryptocurrency.

In what time zone is the site based?

Data is collected, recorded, and reported in UTC time unless otherwise specified.


At what time is the 24 hour % change based?

It's based on the current time. It's a rolling 24 hour period.


Why are you listing [insert random cryptocurrency]? It's clearly a scam!

Nearly every cryptocurrency has been called a scam at some point in its lifetime. We're not here to judge the merits of any cryptocurrency, but we provide the best tools for you to make your own conclusions.

Why aren't you listing [insert random cryptocurrency]?

While we strive to add every single cryptocurrency in the universe, it's virtually impossible to list everything. Listing cryptocurrencies is largely a manual process that takes time and resources to ensure the accuracy of our data.


Am I allowed to use content (screenshots, data, graphs, etc.) for one of my personal projects and/or commercial use?

You may use the content for academic or journalistic use provided that you cite as a source. Please refer to the Terms of Use for the website.


Why does a question mark sometimes show up for the circulating supply and market cap of a cryptocurrency?

In order to ensure accurate market cap rankings, we work closely with teams and developers to verify supply details on their respective blockchains. If a question mark shows up, it means that we have not sufficiently verified the circulating supply and resulting market cap yet.

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