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Cryptoknowmics 2022-09-19 09:57:28

Uplift DAO and Collaborate to Protect IDO Launches

The group enthusiastically exchanged some positive news. It teamed up with one of the most exciting IDO accelerators from DeFi. A launchpad platform and crowdfunding community that combines the strength of a substantial, authentic supporter network from all over the world with the vision of long-term support can disrupt the market. 🔰 @UpliftDao and @InsurAce_io have formed a strategic partnership to protect IDO launches on the Uplift launchpad 🔰 #Uplift helps projects through Incubation, Launch, and Acceleration to achieve their goals and grow fast in crypto 🔽 INFO — 🌐 𝐃𝐄𝐅𝐈 𝐍𝐄𝐖𝐒 🌐 (@Definews_Info) September 18, 2022 UpLift DAO is the Solution The UpLift launchpad, which aims to become a prime gathering place for cutting-edge businesses and regular investors, is supported by the LIFT utility token. The UpLift platform offers the opportunity to engage in the entire project from conception to conclusion, which could lead to long-term gains. The UpLift community’s goal is to find lucrative long-term investment opportunities and to promote the long-term development of the platform’s incubated businesses. UpLift Serves as a Fantastic Launchpad for New Businesses The community is committed to holding onto the project tokens rather than selling them for a fast profit, which shows that it has a long-term outlook. The council and community give each initiative thre...

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