On September 20, PeckShieldAlert, a blockchain security platform, tweeted that the Indian cryptocurrency exchange CoinDCX’s Twitter account had been hacked. The exploiter shared a fake XRP ads giveaway on the India-based exchange’s Twitter handle. #PeckShieldAlert #Phishing Seems like Indian crypto exchange CoinDCX's Twitter account @CoinDCX was compromised & has been used by the exploiter to share links to fraudulent $XRP GIVEAWAY.Thanks @aayushrai11 for the intel pic.twitter.com/qTFNmr1CcT — PeckShieldAlert (@PeckShieldAlert) September 20, 2022 Fake XRP Ads Posted From CoinDCX Twitter Account A Twitter account belonging to cryptocurrency exchange CoinDCX has been hacked and used by exploiters to post fake XRP promotions and phishing links to scam followers of the exchange. Important Announcement 🚨 🚨 pic.twitter.com/YdD0VH6YkJ — CoinDCX Cares (@CoinDCX_Cares) September 20, 2022 The official customer service account of CoinDCX responded to the hack by reporting the exploit and advising its customers not to follow any links or messages that came from the hacked account. The exchange claims that they are attempting to restore the account and will soon inform its followers. To make their scam appear authentic as of the time of writing, the cyber attackers have been retweeting the formal postings of Ripple Labs CEO Brad Garlinghouse. In the process, they send scam URLs in reply to tweets on cryptocurrency. The hacker’s technique...