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NewsBTC 2021-09-29 16:41:03

Ardor Delivers Powerful Blockchain Platform with Promising Native Support for NFTs

In a recent report, noted that over $2 billion was spent on NFTs during the first three months of 2021, marking a 2,100% increase over the fourth quarter of 2020. Per DappRadar, NFTs generated more than $1.2 billion in sales in July 2021 alone, more than half of the cumulative sales volume between January and June of 2021. The milestones mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg as the NFT ecosystem continues to expand, setting new records with every passing day. Between 2020 and 2021, NFTs have established themselves as one of the most prominent sectors within the decentralized finance (DeFi) economy, enabling thousands of creators globally to start a parallel (and recurring) source of income. However, getting started with NFTs isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Besides blockchain’s steep learning curve, the complications of creating multiple wallets, purchasing the required tokens to pay gas costs, and identifying the right marketplace for affordable NFT listings all make it difficult for artists to mint their own NFTs.AF The process of minting NFTs may vary broadly, primarily due to the availability of several blockchain platforms that support NFTs and the rise of hundreds of new marketplaces. Moreover, most platforms bump up against limitations or face challenges when dealing with a surge in NFT demand. For instance, at present, the vast majority of NFTs and NFT marketplaces are built on the Ethereum networ...

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