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How Justin Sun played a part in creating Ethereum

How Justin Sun played a part in creating Ethereum

Exploring the hidden corridors of the cryptocurrency world often reveals untold stories of collaboration and influence. One such narrative is that of...

US FOMC Meeting: Powell Speech and BTC Price Are Creating a FUD in Market? What Next?

US FOMC Meeting: Powell Speech and BTC Price Are Creating a FUD in Market? What Next?

The post US FOMC Meeting: Powell Speech and BTC Price Are Creating a FUD in Market? What Next? appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News Over the past...

Abu Dhabi: A Wealthy Middle-East Capital Creating a Bridge From TradFi to Crypto

Abu Dhabi: A Wealthy Middle-East Capital Creating a Bridge From TradFi to Crypto

The heart of crypto in the capital of the United Arab Emirates is actually just offshore in the Abu Dhabi Global Markets, an economic free zone. With...

Polygon in the process of creating the Value Layer

Polygon in the process of creating the Value Layer

Polygon is in the process of creating the Value Layer for the internet, which will allow a user to build, as well as share and program the Value Layer...

Craig DeWitt, Co-Founder at Supermojo, on Creating New Payment Networks, Ripple, and NFT Payment Solutions | Ep. 237

Craig DeWitt, Co-Founder at Supermojo, on Creating New Payment Networks, Ripple, and NFT Payment Solutions | Ep. 237

In an exclusive interview with, Craig DeWitt, Co-Founder of Supermojo, talks about the future of alternative payment methods using bloc...

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